Tomball Intermediate School Parent Teacher Organization
At TIS, the PTO is partnership between the staff and families to do whatever it takes to support our students & staff and enhance our children's educational experience!
For questions, please email:
What is the PTO?
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a partnership between parents and educators who strive to enhance student learning and enrich the lives of the students within the school. It is also a forum for parents to obtain knowledge and voice their opinions about what is happening in their school. PTO is an integral part of the school and we welcome your involvement. Everyone -- parents, grandparents, educators, students and other citizens active in this community -- is invited to join our not-for-profit organization.
PTO helps close the gap between the home and the school. We help parents and teachers collaborate in the education of children. We drive to communicate information between the campus and families. The PTO also plans and operates no more than 2 fundraisers a year to help fund projects and meet the needs of the campus.
You are invited to join PTO! Please complete the Membership Form if you'd like to join!
Kroger Card Fundraising
Please link your Kroger Plus card to TIS using our nonprofit organization #67259. Visit to link your Kroger plus card. All supporters must have a registered Kroger Plus card account online to be able to link their card to an organization. Use our NPO’s number (67259) Tomball Intermediate School to confirm funds are applied to our account . Customers must swipe their registered Kroger Plus Card or use their Alt ID when shopping for each purchase to count.